Brought to you by a couple of my besties whom I've known for years.
Brock is an old friend. We've weathered a lot together...that's another story. He's one of the most hilarious people who has ever lived. The crap that comes out of his mouth ought to be documented by Bravo or Comedy Central. We once debated about trying out for Amazing Race. But then quickly decided that neither one of us are willing to eat cow dung, beetles or crawl in the sewers of India chasing city rats. I think we're more comfortable kicking it over a couple of Grey Goose and sodas and basking in the pseudo haute-couture culture of Dallas.
Leann is one of my dearest friends. She's one of the most genuine and sweetest people that has ever walked the planet. Abigail is one of her three sweet daughters. Plus, she and her hubby make gorgeous babies, btw. She learned to parent well before she had kiddos. Don't get me started on the beagle we shared back during college. It's a long story that involves Oprah, pancakes and driving - and not necessarily in that order.
I love this pic Leann took of her adorable baby girl Abigail and Brock. She retouched the major zit (the size of a cockroach of B's head, but not sure why she didn't retouch the cheese puff out of her daughter's mouth). Soon after this picture was taken Abigail decided to drop the bomb at the dinner table. Thank gawd for an extra set of clothes.
I'm also in love with all the single ladies who went out and adopted babies. Who needs a man when you've got the world at your finger tips? I admire the strength and courage of Sheryl Crow and Sandra Bullock.
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Totally! Although I'm hoping it doesn't come down to that for me (only cause how hard would it be to raise a kid solo when you don't have as much money for help as the celebs do??), I imagine I'd do the same thing if I'm still single at 40. I hope so, at least!
ReplyDeleteYay for Friday I'm in love! :)